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Del's Blog

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Inspirational help for those who turn to Christ rather than a gun in their darkest hours.

Entries in this blog


I recently received an e-mail notice from here that someone had wanted to start a personal message. The e-mail stated that the individual wanted me to use their hotmail account to do so. Under some circumstances I would not mind. Under some I would. The person used a screen name and the hotmail address gave no indication who they were. The names did not appear familiar. I do not blame people for using screen names. Safety, workplace discretion and families all may play a part when one is t




To start with I would like to share a few thoughts about being a true Christian. There are many heresies out there but scripture says it must need be that there be heresies among you that those who are commended are made manifest. (loosely translated) When it comes to Christianity it swings from one end of the balance to the other. Some think if you have trouble in your life or you don't fit their little self made mold of what a Christian should be you are lost. I know this from experience



1 Corinthians 12:3

I see where many people are getting hurt by the wrong use of the gospel. Straight, cisgender, gay and transgender alike. Sadly that's what happens when people behind pulpits and in positions of authority use the natural mind to select doctrines, sermons and teachings. To start when Paul wrote to the churches saying a fellow laborer was coming the flock wasn't asked to vote whether or not he was acceptable. They were told who was coming after the true elders prayed and laid hands on the ones c



Utter Disgust

Today I wanted to make an entry. I typed for about an hour making sure that which I was attempting to post was line upon line and precept upon precept and scripturally sound. I had a really great entry for manifesting Jesus in the laws and prophets. In my haste to finish up I hit the wrong spot on the page and lost everything. I'll make another entry when I get a chance. The object of my next entry will be what I was attempting tonight. To show anyone interested whether a Christian or n



Mark 11:4 The Colt Tied Where Two Ways Met

Many Christians try to help others. Some succeed and some fail. Some bring forth that which helps and some that which hinders. Some bring forth love and some bring forth hate. The message varies from person to person as the interpretation varies from person to person. That which might strengthen or edify a person at peace with God may be hate to someone not at peace with God. That which is spoken by a hateful person may be hate while the same thing spoken by a loving person may appear to be



Well Done

Wouldn't it just be nice to see a sermon or post on having done well without being straight or cisgender as a qualifying factor? I personally would like to just post something that might give someone a better hope without twisting scripture or saying they have to be like me or my church. Having said thus let me continue. Matthew 25: 19-23 [19] After a long time the lord of those servants cometh, and reckoneth with them. [20] And so he that had received five talents came and brought other



Revelation 20:11,12 The Book Of Life, Book Of Remembrance

For much of Christianity if you don't fit their denomination or creed you aren't saved. Some are so self righteous that they feel their works get others saved. The word says to allow your light to shine so that they that come in can see it. Jesus said the fields were white already to the harvest. Both go against people being added to the Book of Life. So, what does the word of God say about the books? Revelation 20:11,12 [11] And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose



A Little About Me

To start I am Del. I am cisgender. I live in Illinois in the county between two small towns. I I am a licensed and ordained evangelist with three organizations. One is Non-Denominational and two are Pentecostal. This allows me to interact in a large community of churches. I have studied the word of God since the age of seven. Nursing home services are always a joy. You just never know if they get a chance to hear the word of God at other times so I try to treat each service like it is my l



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