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Daneela's Transition

Entries in this blog

Another call to Mom.

I won't be going into all the background here. You can find that in my previous entry, "Why I Told Mom" I'd been advised by my therapist that I should just wait for Mom to contact me. I'd followed that advice until this week. The day after Christmas, I called her to wish her happy holidays. That wasn't all we talked about. Near the end of the referenced entry, I described call the woman I thought was her best friend in the area. At the beginning of the new conversation, I asked Mom how she




I can't see when I last posted or even what I said. I'm certain, though, it was quite some time ago. Many things were different than before and are different than now. I've probably said before that I'm an alcoholic, though not recovering. I used it to drug myself into rest for the night. For over a decade, I had no trouble arising and going to work when I had a job. Nor did I drink more while I was looking for a job. Things seemed stable. I'm sure I've described how stressful my last two



Religion or Spirituality

Del's appearance in the forums and others' posts regarding their treatment at the hands of some Christians and Christian institutions prompts this entry today. Originally, I was going to respond in a forum thread but then realized what I intend to share is much more than belongs there. Some may call this a confession, others a testimony, others still something else. It doesn't feel like any of those to me. I'm just sharing some things that have changed my life. I suppose I was a skeptic ev




Well, the Boston job fell apart. It turned out that my being hired was conditional and there was nothing I could do about it. The condition? The customer deciding to upgrade the system but that didn't happen. I was there every day, never knowing my status. Stressful, to say the very least. So, the firm gave me no notice, just told me the customer had chosen to not upgrade, took my badge and their laptop away from me and told me my contract was terminated. No warning. Now, I've return



Moving on

I've just completed my first day at the new job. Believe me, the trip to get here was hellacious and not in a good sense. You see, I thought I had a firm commitment to a rental car. It turned out, when I stepped up to the counter to present my debit card, the agency refused to take it unless I showed them I was leaving town; they insisted on a return itinerary, of all things. Since I intend to stay and booked only a one-way flight, I was completely SOL, stuck at Boston-Logan airport with no



Moving. On? Up? Forward? Uncertain

I may have mentioned that I have been working on a military project this past year. Well, that contract is closing soon and I've already been "laid off" by my employer. This comes as no big surprise; I've been treated exactly like this by every consulting firm I've ever worked for and even in permanent positions when the company downsized. It doesn't matter to a business that I sacrificed salary and R&R for this past year, accepting the promise of a raise when this contract was finished.



The Grandkids

Because school was closed for spring break, my 13 year old granddaughter and my 17 year old grandson asked if they could visit and stay overnight someday. One reason is that our apartments have a pool and theirs doesn't. Another might be that I have some cool, new games on my PC. We agreed on Wednesday and my wife and I drove to their apartment home to pick them up. In the car, the stereotypical big brother - kid sister behaviour occurred in the back seat. Normalcy reigned. When we arri



His Needs v. Hers v. Mine

I knew what I needed to share with you today. That's part of myself. You need to know why I'm exposing this now and not before. That was/is him. You need to know what I'm trying to deal with besides my body. That's about her. Three sets of needs and needs are more than wants, more than desires, more than wishes. Needs are needs and some needs are nearly universal. Because those are, we humans have empathy. Because we have empathy, those needs have been recognized as applying to each of



Happy New Year

First, I'm wishing for your new year to be filled with happiness. I feel respected here. I try to be very thoughtful in every way with everything I write in the message board and here. Many of you have shared yourselves with us. I've offered what I have. Thanks for listening. Wednesday I took the next tiny step on the journey. I've been letting my hair grow off and on throughout my life. When I had to attend a 2 day meeting in D.C. I donated 12 inches of natural brown hair the day befor




I haven't felt that I had enough to share that I should blog before now. Yesterday, everything changed. I enlisted in the U.S. Navy in 1973, reenlisted in 1976 and was discharged in 1980. This is also known as part of the Vietnam Era. Until 2004, I'd never investigated the Veterans Administration and benefits available to all veterans. I used the GI Bill benefit to pay for my BSCS because that was a major reason for enlisting in the first place. Moving around the country every few years



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