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Aenon's Blog

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This room is a mess, and i still need a job

I really think I lost it this morning probably because I've been off my estrogen for a week(intending renew prescription soon). But coming into this room I saw only things contaminated with the past. Things that made me angry, or only reminded me of who I was trying to escape. Rather then taking the rational “im the walking away route.” I ignored the option ripped piece of masculine clothing off the hangers even broke a few in a fit of rage I screamed in random protest of growls and l



Killing myself part 1

Life, meh honestly lately , ive lost a lot of respect for humanity, here in the states i look out side and instead of seeing the metro link i see the place i almost got beat last year for being different. I look at high school near by my home and instead see that place i was picked on for being different. I usually have the habit of crying easily or trying to commit suicide when things like this happen. So its not real suprize when January began i freaked out like all those times repeating



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