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Transgender Message Forum
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An idea about pouring out my inner throughts.

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While I was sitting at home-.. Enjoying a cup of coffee and having an online conversation with a friend of mine who're also a transgender person. Just chatting about clothes, make-up and everything between heaven and earth, suddenly like a lightning struck my mind is filled with doubt. Am I really a girl deep inside? Am I just having a gender identifying crises? Can I really live with myself if I start my transformation? Or am I just going crazy? Most of the time I feel confident that I was supp



My Childhood..

Hey, it might seems like rushing it abit, starting up a blog just after I sent a welcome thread up, but an idea struck me, and I can be very inpatient. This is actully a test if writing out about my life growing up, can help me find out if I ever felt misplaced in the wrong body.. So, you don't have to comment, but feed back and spelling mistakes are most welcome as I am not the best at gramma! I grew up in a "happy" home, my mom and dad and my two brothers, I was the youngest of the



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