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Girl Crusoe

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About this blog

All alone on a sunshine island.

The trials and tribulations of making a life for myself with what I have around me.

Entries in this blog

The Taming of Nurse Conway

Sooooooo....... The weekend is almost over here, it's been a strange kind of weekend. Went to see the new Mission Impossible, which I would say is worth seeing if only because the other option isĀ Fantastic Four. If you have ever seen James Bond, Casino Royale (the latest version) or have seen anything with Tom Cruise in it before, it's probably worth just going down to your local video store or online provider and just watch one of those instead. There doesn't seem to be a great deal of options



The Girl at White Drift

So this week has been an 'up and down' sort of week. Frustrations at work and generally getting annoyed at how I look has been the story of the week. One of the things I do enjoy though is getting out on my lunch break and taking photo's around the city, those little things that people generally walk past daily and fail to notice. So I have been out doing that. I will upload some photographs in the coming weeks. I've also managed to find myself a quiet place where I can go and get a coffee and g




Dear diary, so I appear to have been marooned on to this island somewhere in theĀ Southern Hemisphere. Although there are tracks from other people it appears that I am still alone here. OK so a slightly dramatic entrance to the world of blogging, but I have been asked to try and avoid the self deprecation and trans-angst which is all too apparent in our own lives. So to help with my own therapy, and to avoid triggering depressive thoughts to others I will try and avoid getting in to myself too mu



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