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Transgender Message Forum


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Hello Everyone i'm a transgender Christian girl that has a vision for the future where we are accepted by society as we are. I find that we are only recognized in death a transgender person kills themselves or gets killed we get a lot of attention, but people don't seem to care about how we live they have such a focus on our death.

However their are a few transgender people that do get a lot of media attention like Caitlyn Jenner, but she can't speak for all of us. I want to encourage us to support each other and promote each other. One way we can do that is by YouTubing and Blogging and spreading our ideas what we think how we view ourselves. We are just normal people for the most part not just a persecuted minority we have God given value and worth just as much as the next person. We are not evil because God allows us to have greater challenges to overcome because of our bodies and because of our persecution in society. I believe that if we scream loud enough if we support each other's stories and dreams and promote each other we can show the world that we are so much more than our bodies that we are real people with real dreams with real skills with real potential.

We are not transgender for men's pleasure we are not transgender because we want to trick men into having sex with us. we are transgender because we where born as girls in boys bodies or as boys in girls bodies. Are being transgender is about our ability of self expression and not our ability toward self deception. we know the truth about us and it has set us free from our gender dysphoria or it is setting us free. I would also like to recognize gender non conforming people just because you are not gender binary does not mean that you are any less human you are beautiful no matter how you express yourself only haters will put you down. Don't listen to them or even feel a need to respond who you are is not dependent on their acceptance. For everyone just be yourself we don't need to fake it just because we are trying to prove to people about who we are. we are who we are lets not let people change that.
I will leave links to a few transgender YouTubers that I find helpful please promote them share them

Kat Blaque    


Princess Joules


Gabrielle Diana


Marina Curtis


their are many more transgender YouTubers that I haven't mentioned, but these are the ones that I follow the last one is me so please support us as we advocate for your rights and show the world that we are real people with real lives. 

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