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About DixieShines

  • Birthday 03/03/1982
  1. Happy Birthday, Dixie!

    Have a great day.

  2. Happy Birthday Dixie!

  3. I think moving is a great idea. getting out of my hometown was the best thing i ever did. my heart broke reading this. ive hit many lows in my life but there is always the future to consider, life can always get better. big life changes are importent for us to evolve. so location changes, career changes, sex changes need be, just be safe and look for the happiness in life. dont cut short what butterfly may come from the kakoon. i dont know i may be a foolish optimist but life gets better. please message me if u ever need a vent. alrighty take care
  4. DixieShines

    Wigs + Stuff

    Hi Karen, i use Jennyshairsense.com its a great online wig shoppe. the best quality and prices ive found, discreet and fast shipping. well good luck
  5. Thinking about going Blonde

  6. Hey dixie, love your profile and love your posts. If you ever want to chat drop me a line anytime. Just thought id stop by and say hi :)

  7. Welcome to TGGuide

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