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Just my daily what's happenins.

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This one is for Ciara.... A girl who is in my...club.

Our first eating of GSA, I had everyone go around the room and introduce themselves. Your name, Major, Preferred Gender Pronoun and why they came to GSA. So I would say "Hey, My name’s Tyler, I’m your president. My Major is Education. My Preferred Gender Pronoun is He, His, and Him and I came to GSA originally, because i needed to get to know people like me, but now I’m here to lead and teach you and the community around us.” Apparently in the last… oh let me say 30 meetings she totally f



I guess I just wanted to rant.

So this is angering me. I'm honestly, contemplating not going back to my club next semester. I hate being the only one doing any work and when i make a suggestion like a trans awareness day, and my teacher suggests talking to parents about coming out as LGB, nobody really talks about the T, parents hear this over and over again... the ones that would attend this anyway. I feel like nobody cares. the only services my surrounding area offers is support groups. I want to inform more people. Everyti



i don't think I've ever been in such a neutral mood,.

Good things about today (this sort of trumps the bad things....) Most people at work still have a problem with pronouns..... Except for dan, who I've bonded with over joking about beating eachother up in the parking lot at 3 AM. He's the only one who manages to understand the pronoun thing.... Todays bad: After having writtena five page essay--- literary genius-- on Having gender neutral bathrooms on every college campus, My computer decides "Hey, let me makes your life harder because I



Today was the first time....

So, today was the first time in the last couple of years that someone called me sir. For a while I was like O.O WHAT? Then I was amazed. Apparently, recently I've been doing really well at passing, I bind during work since I only work 4 hours it doesn't cause too much damage and my coworkers accept me as tyler. Customers don't really say I'm a male or female they simply say "The one with the short hair" It makes me very happy that I'm doing well and starting to pass.... There was one downside




Gino Gavin Garrick Gene Kyler Kory Tye Blaise Antoine Demi Mason Joceline Remi Mika. I just made a list of possible names. More to be added I guess. Honestly im dontemplating like Demi-Mika translating to Small beautiful smell. o_o



Just ranting I guess.

So like, It's april 16th (yes?). A lot of things have advanced in the last like... month. I actually got a promd ate (This complete cutie pie, her name's abby. I guess i give details later). I don't really have any other advancements other then that actually. I decided i go ona quest for a name. I t hought the other night about the name Tye, Which I really like. but so far ive gottenit sounds like a dogs name and my friend mike doesnt like it because he got into a fight witha guy named ty



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