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About this blog

The scatterbrained ramblings of a transwoman in madness

Entries in this blog

A Surprising Lack of Fervour

I don't believe I've said it before, but it should be noted that these blog posts are (and are going to be) mostly stream-of-thought pieces with minimal editing. Studies have found, I am told, that emotion cannot be maintained for significant periods of time. Whether a person's life and environment are good and bad, key moments not withstanding, most people will keep a dull and steady equilibrium of neutrality. Perhaps that theory can explain why I do not on a daily basis tear my hair out,



Things I Need

While making another large coffee to stave off the cold, I started this list of things I would need to feel right, look right and pass - as great a challenge as that is. Hormones Breast augmentation A complete wardrobe of femme clothes To know how to properly, subtly apply make-up Decent, maintained hairstyle/s Facial feminisation surgery Sexual reassignment surgery To lose a significant amount of weight (Aside: Just having written that I went to the kitchen and returned with a plate



First Bloom

So. Here I am. With a new blog. I'll be honest - I most likely won't keep it up for long. I'm useless at being a regular poster. Let's see, you'll want to know something about me, I imagine. I'm twenty... twenty... twenty... twenty-something (not a great start) twenty-four, and was born and raised a male. That was, in hindsight, a mistake but who could have known? I am, in fact, a woman though I don't blame anyone for being mistaken when they first meet me. Easy mistake to make. I first be



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