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A little bit of everywhere.

Entries in this blog

House of Wolves

Back to the old favorite...using song titles as blog titles -.-' I've manged to do a week of uni without productively doing much at all. I didn't think that was possible. This is only a quick blog update with things I've gleaned this week. One of my old friends from secondary school who i'm close to (in the way we're friends) drunkenly asked me out via text. I was apprehensive and brushed him off but he was persistent. I proceeded to question him about his reasons for doing this because



Severe Procrastination

I was going to name the blog entries after whatever song may be playing at the time but it was too tiring. Hence the title of severe procrastination because i meant to start this blog about 5 months ago. So hey my first blog Who am I? ​(As i'm not a very active member on the forums :/) I'm a 20 year old photographic art student hailing from the welsh valleys. I've been living with gender dysphoria for about 4-5 years. When i was 18 i did more research into what i was feeling and came to



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