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The Letter

So as I mentioned in the Introductions area, I wrote a letter for my teachers to have and/or hang in their classrooms. Here it is:"Hi there! If you're reading this, then you're my teacher. Good for you! I will warn you though, I can be a bit of a handful.Allow me to tell you a bit about myself.The school "knows" (has me listed as) -------------------, and my gender listed as Female.I will tell you now, this is wrong.I identify as Male and prefer the name Andrew ------------HOWEVER.My family has




I've never really though about my gender much, but when I met Skylar, I started thinking. Skylar is a transgender mtf gal who taught me about the gender spectrum. After meeting her, I thought about my life... I have always wanted to play soccer and talk low and wear blue and black, not pink and white. I remember one time, when I was about four, I was in a daycare. I needed to use the restroom and decided I'd do it like a boy. All in all I ended up with urine soaked red pants because as it turns



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