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Bending the gender sterotypes

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Pierced Earrings

I did it! Two weeks ago my daughter and I went to the mall and we both got our ears pierced. I conquered another fear of being different and it was great. I now haver a shared experience with my wife and daughter that I will remember as a fun thing we did together. What I didn't know about pierced ears was how they have to stay in for about 6 weeks without taking them out. How many of you have taken this plunge? I got both ears pierced because I don't believe in any of the attached meanings



Growing the hair on my head

Permed Hair, Long Hair, Another new experience. Again, Mom always tried to limit how I presented myself. I realized as a looked around me there are men with long hair. Some men have hair down to their waste. As long as I still have hair on my head, I thought why can't I make use of my own hair and eliminate the problems with wigs. I have not cut my hair for one full year. My hair has made such progress I am literally afraid to go to the salon because I am not sure what style I want. I r



Getting Rid of the Body Hair

When I first shaved my legs it was the neatest feeling in the world. I finally felt clean. I really felt special. My joy was cut short because I lived at home and would have to answer to my mother. She knew everything about me. It wasn't till 10 years later that I just told my wife I didn't want the hair and she was ok with that. The next step however was wondering what others thought of me especially at work. I used to fear being discovered, but now 20 years since the first time I shave



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