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All about ambigenderism

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The myth of Activist Judges

The myth of Activist Judges As somebody who gets 100% of their entertainment from online sources, I also get 100% of my news from online sources. One source of news I use is Yahoo.com, which features some of the most diverse and progressive articles written on a mainstream web news source. The comments section of these news articles, however, seems to be made up of some of the most staunch neo-conservative and fundamentalist christian people on the internet outside of forums dedicated t



What is Ambigenderism?

What is Ambigenderism? As psychological science is shedding more light on the nature of gender in the context of biological sex and social norms, more identity labels seem to be coming out every day. One label that has yet to receive decent recognition is Ambigenderism. I think the best way to share what ambigenderism entails is to share myself as an ambigendered person. About 4 months ago was when I started to transition from boy to girl (distinguished from male and female), howev



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