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My Journey

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Transdate supplemental 23/02/15

We had friends round on Staurday, who we hadn't seen for months. They were aware of me being Trans, but had never seen me before "en Femme", although I had sent photo's to show what to expect. The female half of the couple was fine seeing me as I really am - as Eve, and commented how slim I looked in my long black dress, this really pleased me. We had some drinks, and a little later on the male half of the couple said to me that he saw me as a "bloke in a dress with tits", whilst I don't think t



Transdate 21/02/15

Hi, I've put a tag on this entry "last look back", because my new UK passport arrived earlier this week, it states my name is Eve and there's an F next to gender, it sort of brought it home to me that I am now EVE and I'm a TRANS WOMAN, unlike any other official documents had done. There were implications that I thought through, yes I had already gone through this process before I became Trans, but the same old thoughts came flooding back of 'wow this is for the rest of my life', I am no longe



Transdate 16/02/15

I got asked to write to write Trans Articles for Redditch LGBT on Friday, I had already got 2 presentations on coming out and my journey from cross dresser to Trans Woman so I altered them a little and sent them off, hopefully they'll be posted soon. Redditch LGBT is in it's infancy, it's aims are to promote that not every one is straight white heterosexual & for people to get over the fact. Also it wants to promote a LGBT friendly area within Redditch, which is sadly missing presently excep



Transdate supplemental 12/02/15

I made a new contact on twitter the other day, her name is Susan (not her real name). After a few tweets we e-mailed and then a day or so later had a phone conversation. Getting to the point she said she was a self-employed Management Consultant. When she came out of the wardrobe (Tranny Closet? ) to her customers she was assured thaty it wouldn't change anything, and she was congratulated etc., etc. She then found that 70 odd percent of her customers went elsewhere.........She's getting by, doi



Trans Date 09/02/14

I had a conversation with my wife last night about the possibility of going SCUBA Diving again (I used to be an Instructor back in my male days 4 years or so ago), my wife said that she'd like to do that, we talked about our favourite shore dive in the UK, with fond reminisances. I'm not sure if we'll actually get around to doing it though, as we both have other interests that compete for our spare time now. But later in the night when I couldn't sleep (red wine induced insomnia!), I looked b



Eve Transdate 01/02/15

I'm still having problems with UK financial organisations, Tesco especially, I have decided as soon as I have my new card in my new name I'll trnsfer my balance to a different card provider, yes, this is termed as voting with my feet, and sticking a finger up in Tesco's direction. Paypal UK are another pain in the ass, they wouldn't accept my Deed Poll which I uploaded to them, they also wanted UK Driving Licence or Passport......Driving Licence is presently in the process of being changed, a



My Journey so far

Well here goes, where do I start? I suppose that I should introduce myself first, I'm Eve an English M to F Transexual, undergoing hormone treatment from Charing Cross Gender Identity Centre, Ihope to be fully transgendered in the 2 years or so......I'm quite old to have started this journey and so I'll have to try hard to remember all of the distant past............. As a small child I remember (5-6yrs old?), that my mums cousin and her family visited our house. The cousins daughter was in h



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