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Every new beginning starts with some other beginnings end

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Dream Come True?

Dreams have a way of telling you things right? Well it'll be nice if everyone were like Daniel from the book of Daniel, and just naturally interpret them at the drop of a hat. For I wasn't gifted in that area, *sighs* along with other things like discernment. But things have a way of working themselves out I guess. Anyway, I had this dream last night, and it was really nice for the fact that I prayed to God to literally tell me in a dream if it was "ok" to transition and just be who i am, for I




So I came to the Okc to find myself right? Well, allow me to enlighten you on who I "thought" I was. I'll make this short, or as short as possible rather:p I'm a rock star right, suppose to get those girls with precision and be happy with my life,... complete. The American dream, almost EVERY guys dream. Almost. For years I have never been accepted, taken seriously, or anything else that is suppose to label you "a guy". The controlling member of the human race. For years I have fooled myself int



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