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Andrea Jean's Dream

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Plus 7

Sometimes things are happening in a rush, like when the river hits the rapids. All you can do is try to hold on and keep your head above water. . . and just hope you miss the rocks. There have been at lot of those rapids during this  6 month trip. In fact the flow has been mostly rapid. what a ride. And amazingly I look up and see that familiar face, The one I've been looking at for 11 years, 10 of which she really had little clue about the girl that was stuffed deep inside me. When Annette met



1 day less

I have waited 67 years, mostly not believing it was even a possibility for me. My psychiatrist's diagnosis started with "severe depression... caused by Gender Identity Disorder,  I seldom 'felt' depressed, what I felt was anger and the shame placed upon me, was replaced by pride. I will stand tall, thrusting my bra pads up and out, "in your face"! I still have that pride, I have just lost the anger. That does feel good. A little peace, the knot in my stomach gone. Today is so different, most peo



16 days

This has to be the most important, exciting and scary time of my life, not really scary, at least not so much anymore. And this has been a whirlwind of work, emotion, physicality, oh and money. About the only people I see are doctors, but every time I see one I am a little closer to being the girl I have wanted to be for 67 years. I was born into a world that didn't even acknowledge 'sex' and my family certainly did believe that if you didn't talk about it it didn't exist. So all the signs of my



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