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Transgender Message Forum
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About this blog

    Hello there, I am Jackson but Jack is just fine. I am 14 years of age, yes, I am young, and I am what you would call a "FTM Transgender". 

    This blog will be about me and my journey as a transgender youth living with unsupportive parents. I will also give advice to those who haven't yet come out and are looking for advice from those who have already came out. 

Entries in this blog


Today my mother and I went out to get a tree. I picked out a blue spruce. It's really pretty and smells good. We are still putting on the ornaments but it looks really nice.     Christmas will always be my favorite holiday.Theres our tree!



Chorus Concert

So, I joined chorus because I enjoy singing. But we have concerts during the winter and spring. I found out last week that we had a chorus concert coming up on December 16th.     We have to wear something formal to, and you know what that means. Dresses and suits and all of that fancy stuff. Im not into dresses or skirts, but I know my mom is going to try and force me into wearing a dress. I don't want to either. My boyfriend told me to refuse, and that is what I am going to do. And if that does



Drawing To Distract Myself From Dysphoria

I have been having really bad dysphoria, but to distract myself I drew some anime characters, whom are males, from my favorite anime Attack On Titan/Shingeki No Kyojin. It honestly helps me to relax, just like singing. ↑↑ those are the drawings. They both took me a long time, but I think Levi took me a bit longer...




Honestly, dysphoria sucks so much. Its just like you have this shadow following you and constantly saying. "You're never going to pass as a female/male!" "You have a pair of boobs and a vagina/penis, so you can't be the other gender!"      All those awful things. I look at myself in the mirror and it just. . . It sucks. I can barely even look at my body when I'm in the shower. I can't bind, and I can't pack because there's no way my mom or dad would allow me to. And I hate going to stores and ha



Putting Myself In Their Shoes and Talking About How I Found Out About My Gender Identity

So, I have been told quite a few times to put myself in my parents shoes. And I have been. I am trying my best to view things from their..eh, what word could I use? Perspective? I'm not quite sure, I'm not good with words. But anyways.  I can understand that something like this is hard for them, considering that they were born in a completely different time. So I know I have to be easy with them, but at times it can be hard because my parents want everything to be their way. If things don't go t



Introduction To First Blog

Hello, as said in the description, I am Jackson but Jack is just fine. I am 14 years of age and I am what others would call a "FTM Transgender", or simply "Female To Male Transgender".      This blog will mainly contain posts of my journey as a transgender youth living with an unsupportive mother and father. It is hard, but I have to stay strong and keep moving forward in order to get somewhere. I will also give as best of advice as I can to transgenders who haven't yet come out to family or any



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