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At 49 I'm ready to become ME!!!



Entries in this blog

Being brave and turning a cheek

Two of my girlfriends and I went out to go dancing and let our hair fly on Saturday night. It was great, we arrived to the club and were welcomed with open arms. Guys were buying us drinks and we danced our asses off.  When it was time to leave we had a 6 block hike in our 6 inch heels to the parking lot, but some young kids decided to harass us while walking to our safe zone. One of my girlfriends, who will remain nameless, was assaulted one time by a man who continuously called her a freak whi



Will and Grace RETURNS!!!

When the original series of Will and Grace entered my life on television back in the 90s I was still serving in the Army. It was a different time. If you knew someone who was gay you became an outcast and if you watched the show you became the target for bullies. Luckily I'm not a small framed person and I lived off post so nobody knew my secrets and I'm not one to be bullied by anyone. One thing that show taught me was that no matter who you are it's always acceptable to be your true self as lo



A life lived, a life to live

I was born a woman in a mans body. I've known this since my earliest memory but growing up during the 70s and 80s in Southern California and being raised by two very conservative parents made life heartbreaking and filled with pain. I wasn't strong enough to go against my parents and now at the young age of 50 it's still difficult.  I think about how different my life will become and it excites me to think that one day I'll be able to transform into the woman I've always hidden from the public. 



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