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Transgender Message Forum
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About this blog

This is a blog written by transgender lady too old to transition really but who is peaking out of her closet longingly at the journey she knows that she must walk................sigh but being too terrified to begin...................well maybe i will just put my toe out a little bit. This is a blog of observations of a transgender frady cat.

Entries in this blog

If you are transgender you can run but you can't hide

i remember when i first realized that i wasn't like my brothers, that i was like my sisters. it seemed like a delicious secret  but .it didn't take too long for that delcious secret to become a nightmare. By age 5 i prayed that God would make me a girl (i still do). From age 8 until i was18 i dressed in my sister's clothes daily. It always felt soo right to be wearing girl clothes and always i felt calm, the only time in my days when i did feel calm. Until was 11 i thought that i was the only on



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