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Transgender Message Forum


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About this blog

Hi I’am new to site. My name is frank and I’am 23. On the outside Iam a male but inside I feel like a female.  When I was kid I always been attractive to girl stuff like painting my nails/toes, wearing makeup, wearing high heels and dresses. I felt pretty and happy when I look    myself in the mirror. As I grew up I felt ashamed of myself because I was a male who was more like a female and I didn’t know why and hoped those feelings would eventually leave so I can be “normal”. That never happened but couple years ago I did a lot of research and I realize it wasn’t my fault. I always denied my female self but Iam finally ready to  turne that page and admit that I’am ready to be a women. Just don’t know what to do now? I could use some advice.

Entries in this blog

Pedicure! Shopping?

I can’t wait for this weekend! I’m getting my first pedicure! What color should I get? Also I really want to go shopping to try on clothes and shoes  just not what is the method to do it. Thinking about going to target or Walmart just not sure what sizes I should be looking for. 



Painting my toes?!

Before I eventually make a trip to the nail salon and get a pedicure. I would like to practice painting my own toes first. Have any advice as I attempt to paint my toes for the first time? 




Happy New Year! I’m looking forward to new year for many reasons but no reason is bigger then taken the next step of being a woman. Definitely looking forward to dressing up more and buying my first set of clothes, shoes, and makeup. Also looking to get my nails done more and learn to paint my nails myslf. My mom and I will definitely have more girls weekends  this year which will make me happy. Also hope to find a meetup group to meet others. 




Usually I don’t dress up for Halloween because as a young adult I out grew it. But not this year because I I knew I wanted to go full girl for the first time. Thanks to some of my female friends they helped me lived out my dream. It felt so good to finally do what I always wanted. Had my nails and toes painted, makeover, wig, and heels. Also wore a long dress, it was so much fun to not just hang out with the girls but be one them too! 



My return

I know it’s been a while but I’m finally back. I have talked to my mom privately about what I want. She completely understands which is great. She just wants me to be sure if it’s truly what I want before coming out to the rest of my family. She wants to help me experiment first before making my final decision which is fair. First step is we both will get our nails/toes painted together. 



Step 1

As I prepare to start my transition into a girl I guess I have to start by coming out to my family and friends. As I start thinking of how I should break the news to my family I know my dad will prob be upset the most. I already came up to one person already who was my former teacher from high school. She has been in my corner from the beginning which has really helped my confidence about being my inner girl. 



Therapy sessions

As I continue going through my therapy sessions it’s all becoming clear to me. I know what Iam and what I want to do next. My emotions are all cleard up. Now I think it’s time to come up with plan for what’s next which Iam happy about. The truth is Iam a women on the inside and now I want to be a women on the outside. 



Girls day!

Last weekend I got to do something that I thought could only dream about. That was to participate in all girls day with my friends. The girls were gladly to accept me  as one of them. It felt so good to be with them and enjoy all of the activity’s we did. I felt so free. Also going to my first therapy session this weekend. 




Hi I’am new to site. My name is frank and I’am 23. On the outside Iam a male but inside I feel like a female.  When I was kid I always been attractive to girl stuff like painting my nails/toes, wearing makeup, wearing high heels and dresses. I felt pretty and happy when I look    myself in the mirror. As I grew up I felt ashamed of myself because I was a male who was more like a female and I didn’t know why and hoped those feelings would eventually leave so I can be “normal”. That never happened



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