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Transgender Message Forum
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About this blog

Over the years I have mostly been coded as female even when acting as a normal male.  Originally, I was quite confused by why this happened.  Lately, I have been studying the human body and the known traits of the average woman.  Of course I have compared them to myself and I have found many physical characteristics that I have that are considered normal for a woman.  Most of my dominant physical traits are those fitting an average woman.  Only my moderately broader shoulders (about 2 inches wider) and my body height of 5'7" are sightly beyond the norms of the average woman.  The fact that I have small breasts, long hair and wear pierced earrings result me in being coded as a woman most of the time now.  In this Blog I will be adding information about physical characteristics of males vs females.  For me this includes bone size - length - angles - proportions.  Also physiological characteristics such as susceptibility to cold and migraines, etc.  Note: Of course most people both male and female can be comprised of some male and female characteristics.  Comments Please? :)  Dawn


Entries in this blog

Hand size and shape

I have been only recently aware of the hand traits that indicate transgender possibilities.  Both the size and shape appear to be factors developed in the womb and could hold a key to why a person is transgender.  For me I have both the size and shape in my hands that would indicate I am a woman.  Here is a link to an article explaining this.  https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17906922/



Weight is a second Major factor

The average weight of women world wide is about 169 pounds - wow!  Does seem like a lot. The most I ever weighed in my life was 170.  Currently I am at 160 and going back down.



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