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Transgender Message Forum
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About this blog

A collection of the scattered thoughts of a human-sort of person expressing themselves through their Second Life character.
Readers may come to understand that the Human and the Character aren't that far apart after all.

Entries in this blog

Digital Identity

This past weekend I was part of a discussion about transition and digital identities.  Since I've been taking a really deep introspective dive through my digital identity in Second Life, and through this community and on various forms of Social Media.  I had thoughts. Assuming you are expressing yourself genuinely (as opposed to deliberately playing the role of a character separate from you), then however that expression presents is *valid*.  Even if you're presenting in with a different na



Straight up CopyPasta!

Copied from the forum topic "The start of my Journey" in General Transgender Discussion.  Dezzy discovers blogging! YAY! I've mentioned in a couple of threads that I'm just coming to my identity.  It's very confusing and I don't have the language I need to express myself cleanly.  But that's what our community is for isn't it?  To help people coming into this new knowing of themselves to express themselves and understand better. I came of age in the eighties, in the Midwest of the Unit



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