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starting over again

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A new world

I have been in transition for over 2 years steady now. I have found out the understanding and misunderstanding of so many people in our wonderful planet. If you don't fit the norm or the cookie cutter style you are wierd. If you don't have a look that is the perfect or the standard you are not normal. I feel so sorry for the people that have had to live their lives with a abnormal look or something that is different than the Preama Dona or the Pierce Brosdon look. They have to try even harder to



Why do we have to los the ones we love so dear to us?

Today I found out that I lost a very special person in my life. We all knew her and I miss her so much already. Her names is Tracy A. She was the only one who truly knew me for who I am. Even though she and I never met she was so special to me. She was the daughter that I never had and a best friend who I loved so much. She had confied in me her most precious things and had asked so many qustions and wanted so many answers about life and the things to expect. God why do we have to lose the one



How hard it is to have understanding people in your life.

When things are good they are good and when things go wrong it is so hard for anyone to help you. As I have said in the past I have had many friends and a few enemies that wonder what is going on in my life with me. I have done my best to help them understand the nature of transgendered people like me. They only have the missconseption that we are gay or queer. After they are educated on what is the difference they always say they understand now, But they still continue to look at us as gay. It



Good changes coming on

I have to addmit it feels good to start the body changes again. The boobs are starting to increase again abd the skin is getting softer. The smell and hearing seen to be more sensitive. I had forgotten the sensations of satin on skin and the feel of the wind and breezes under my dresses and skirts as you walk through the mountains. I have truly come to my self sences and the reality of the true me. My only regret is that I wish I had started earlier in life when I had stuggled so much, but I do



Life is good

I recently went to Las Vegas and had a wonderful time. I have been married for 24 years and the woman that I am married too went with me to Veags. We had such a wonderful time together. We had dinner together and seen a show and a late night gondola ride at the venitian. As the time goes on and I continue to transition she understands the stuggle that I have had all my life and she still loves me and always will. It is people in my life that makes it all worthwhile. Now it's been 1 month on fu



starting over again

After having started HRT and having some health problems that made me stop with my progression I am now back on my way to becoming the woman I have been all my life. I have made some good friends on this site and hope to make some more. It has been a hard time to do what I have done and now it is like a new day everytime I wake up. As many know it is the hardest to try and get the mind set that you are normal and those around you are living in a wonderland of sorts. If people would just underst



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