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About this blog

A virtual pharmacy where the apothecary tries to treat all complaints and tells her own ones.

Entries in this blog

One year

Howdy, I worte a summarzing post about 1st anniversary of my HRT and blogging. Hugs, Sophie




Hello all, I posted here very long ago. There's a post in my main blog about my past few months and the great events affected me in that time. Hugs, Sophie



A bit taste of full-time

Hello there, There is still no questions to the pharmacist here? Nevermind. I posted another entry on my personal blog at wordpress.com about my wonderful weekend. I could see a glimpse of the future. How I will be as a housewife, as a full-time woman some time in the (not so) far future. I know what I'll lose and what I'll win. My balance semms to be good. My path is set, I live with no regret. Hugs, Sophie



4th month of my puberty

Hello dears, I've just published a short summary about my 4th month of HRT in my main blog. I'd be glad if you would share your opinion with me. Hugs, Sophie



Left one pharmacy, still present in the other

Hello all, You could read my status message „They just f*ed with the wrong pharmacist…” I don’t like to use rude words generally. But this altered quote from the trailer of “Machete” fits for my recent situation. First of all, I really love my profession, I love to help people with my knowledge, abilities all of my possibilities on pharmaceutical fields for the benefit of the patients. The behavior of the owners of the Ltd. -which is behind of the pharmacy I managed- denied me working pro



Grand opening :D

Come one, come all! Welcome to my new little pharmacy called “The Alabaster Unicorn”! Unicorn is traditional symbol of healing and virginity in the medieval christian mythology, you know. Well, virginity is far behind me but healing is my profession and I hope it will be until death will come for me. If you like to have a little consultation about pharmaceutical matters, I am at your service. Just write me a mail and I’ll try solve your problems. I would be so glad if you agree to post y



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