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Being Jewish & Trans

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Does semen have scent and flavor, or is it just me???

I have asked some of my women friends and about half swear that semen does not have a scent or flavor to it. I believe that it does have scent and flavor. Kind of like a sweet and honeysuckle scent! I would like to hear from all of you in the community as to this question only through your own experiences. You don't have to give details but rather if you noticed that there is scent and taste. I am wondering is it me or are other people's sense of smell off. Thank you and have a great day!!!



Negativity towards transgender's.

I truly believe that if we are surrounded by negativtiy we will deteriorate. I believe that we must keep away from negative people who only want to bring us down and to show us pejudice and hatred, surrounding ourselves around people who will be kind to us and that will build us up are the people that will except us for who we choose to be.



Some thought tecniques in the MtF transitioning phase.

I have here some of the basic principles in the transitional phase of MtF transitioning, these are only some, there are indeed hundreds of principles. 1. always beleive you are beautiful, then others will beleive it too. 2.Always take advice from a real women watch and observe them (only a good women). 3. Whatever it is you do, beleive that a women is doing it. 4. get into the habit saying I am a sister, mother,daughter,aunt etc...



The disillusion in relationships.

I may be jealous or full of envy, I am just protective of what is mine. We tend to say this more than often to ourselves when another women or transwomen is connecting with our man. Its either he wants to have freinds or he is just being nice. I may have a problem but I dont want anyone else telling me that I do. I may just be paranoid, but I will deal with it myself, my way. Why do men argue that they want to have freinds, shouldn't they be happy that we're so protective? Maby I am suspecting t



Once we believe we are Beautiful.

I am blogging about one of the most important subjects we share as individuals, beauty and being accepted. Once we believe that we are the best that we could be at the moment and that we are beautiful,then others will see that radiant energy of beauty in us and our souls will be satisfied from the pleasure of it all. we will be smiled at, loved, lusted, talked to, given opprotunity, given trust and an abundance of other great things in life that we all want to enjoy in life being just who we wan



Being Jewish & Israeli isn't easy.

Shalom l'chaim laila tov, Hi freinds, I want to begin by writing a blog about a certain subject pertaining to being an israeli jew and trans. I am born to 613 laws that I am born to adhere not by choice but by birth. I mean come on I am of the chosen people to serve god but here I am serving a man (Boyfreind) and in more ways than one and calling myself a jew. well to clear things up I am a jew by beleif and not by choice, yes I had my bris and i'm bar mitvah, but c'mon I love my boyfreind, what



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