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Emma's Blog

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interesting week

Hi iv had a interesting week, two week ago I told a friend about me over email and spent the rest of the week answering questions every thing was going fine she was cool with every thing and keep tell me we should meet up and talk properly about it. so I have booked some time off work and told her I can come and see her any time over that week. and now I haven't any thing for three days I'm hoping she is just to busy but have a feeling I'm not going to hear from her again. just have wait a b



Another week

Hi Over the last week iv been thinking about what is known as the second puberty. I have read a lot about this and was trying to remember what it was like for me the first time and after a lot of thought I still can't remember what it was like I know at some point I must have gone it at some point. So far I haven't noticed anything like I have read about, iv had no mood swings no headaches and no out brakes of acne. I feel a lot happier now than I have in years and apart from the expected



Blog number two :)

Hello It's the second week at work this year and the first full week, the first day back didn't start to well got to work got changed in to the office turned the computer on and it blow up it still hasn't been fixed or replaced so my work is piling up on my desk, lucky there has been other things to do. I had a little incident at work nothing serious I was doing a bit of work for one of the ladys that works for me when out of the blue she asks me if I'm wearing make ulama before I could t



My first blog

Hello After many years of using the Internet I have decided to start bloging for the first time. A bit about me to start off this is the bit that should be on my profile, at the moment I am using the name Emma hopefully one day I will be able to use the name all the time every where, I'm 33 and am currently working as an administration clark I have been doing this for a little over 3 years before that I was a soldier in the British army for 13 years, but it was time to move on. Some of



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