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Interesting conversation this week

There is a person in my company who always talked to me prior to GRS then stopped afterwards. Finally she stopped me outside and said I have a question, "where do you get those cure outfits" So after replying we had a long discussion about my surgery and she said "you are very courageous" in how you came back to work and that you seem like you had always been female which I simply smiled.

Having success with most co-workers did kind of bother me that she had not talked to me but now we are. So that leave just one co-worker who has not spoken to me since surgery.


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That's so nice! It really does just take some people time, but I guess the silver lining in that is that you get additional moments like this.

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I am fairly early on in the process, but it takes some people a long time to process things, or they just don't know what to say! We can can be intimidating!! Lol! That being said, sounds like an awesome conversation.

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I'm so glad for you Karen, I still have some former colleagues who haven't spoken to me since I changed my identity in December, however there have been others whom I didn't really get along with formerly who have been great with me since.....................people, they're all different!Cheers,


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Things that come to mind (and there are surely more) when announcing oneself to others is.

Stereotypes learned from television, simply the fear of the unknown, they don't watch television and make something up in their own mind, religion, if God made you a male you have no right to change this.

Religion played into my transition on at least three people in my case but all three came around in the end. They had the decency to meet with me and ask questions.

The woman I wrote about never did but now she is a chatterbox in recent days.

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