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In County Court

Hi, last year June 30th I was involved in a road traffic accident (RTA) where as I was overtaking another slow moving vehicle when it suddenly turned right and smashed into the side of my car. I was travelling at 60mph and had to swerve at the last minute to the right hand verge, but still the other vehicle hit me and subsequently careered across a driveway and narrowly missed hitting a brick wall, I was shaken up, stopped as soon as I could safely, and walked back to exchange details. I was still presenting as male at that time and so offered 50 / 50 and 70 / 30 settlements  in favour of the other driver but she refused, and insisted on going to court with the case. These offers were made because I was scared of going to court and being asked awkward questions about transitioning, and being belittled. I shouldn't have worried, today (Wednesday 13th May 2015) in Birmingham County Court the judge found in favour of me, and no remarks about transgendering were made at all, by anyone present.

I can't tell you how relieved I am, after having this hanging over me for almost a year, but the silver lining to the dark cloud is that it has boosted my confidence no end.............I AM EVE !      .........and I believe in myself more and more. I have posted about believing in yourself before, and it takes me back to my diving days when I was hooked on Technical Diving, one of the experienced divers (Tom Mount?) who published books about it, had said that mental preparation was of paramount importance, and stated "believe you can or believe you can't, you're right either way........ How true, I believe I can and I believe In myself.

Anyway it's off to Brighton at the end of the week for a whole week, with the caravan of course and all that entails (usually broken nails! - a realistic belief !) The Brighton Festival is on, which is a little arty and touchy feely at times, but one of the shows that my wife has booked is the Joey Arias Experience, whom I believe is a NYC vocalist who is also in drag, I'm quite looking forward to it. 

Between now and then I have to attend face torture (electrolysis) tomorrow, and whats left of my nails re-gelling on Friday. How I love going away on hols...............

Cheers, hugs and a peck on the cheek,



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