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The little things ... in this case, shoes

Today I took a somewhat surprisingly big step, at least it was big in the fact that I hadn't anticipated how nervous it would make me.

I've been dressing entirely female for the past few weeks, with only a couple of necessary exceptions (which won't happen again), but my shoes have been relatively obscure.  I'm wearing women's shoes, but typically either sneakers or boots, shoes that don't necessarily read as female.

Today I'm wearing a pair of black flats, these very definitely read as female.  It made me a bit nervous, but I survived  :rolleyes:

I was thinking on the way in about the fact that it gets easier each time you go out with something new and realized that it's very true, and very quick being in NYC.  I live in Jersey City and work in lower Manhattan, so from the time I leave home until I get in to work, I literally see and am seen by 100s of people.  That's quite a change from when I used to live in North Carolina (so many years ago), where I might see nobody until I got in to work (except in passing cars).

On an unrelated note, I went to the Taco Bell near me last night on the way home and the boy (yes boy, he couldn't be more than 20 years old) complimented my nail polish.  That was quite nice - it came across very naturally, which I really liked!


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Hi Christie, I'm so glad that you're confidence is growing, well done and yes it does get easier after each time you go out, and after each new thing that you do as a female, I'm proud of you!

Eve oxo !!!!!

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Happy to hear going out is getting easier for you and will eventually be no male brain left that thinks about being nervous.

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I like the idea of "no male brain left," that is a way of thinking about this that hadn't occurred to me.

A couple of months ago when I was discussing my transition with one of my supervisors she said she thought that I was talking about going to work wearing skirts.  At that time I said no, I was going for female, but not that far yet.  But now I feel like just a few weeks in the idea of wearing a skirt to work isn't that far off.  I think that might happen after I see sufficient results from the electrolysis that I'm starting tomorrow (I don't want to have 5 o'clock shadow while wearing a skirt)

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