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Dr Leighton Seal - ChX GIC

I had a great day yesterday, I went to London (even the traffic was good!) to Charing Cross Gender Identity Clinic (ChX GIC) for an appointment with Dr Leighton Seal, he's their Endocrinologist. He really is one of the most helpful Doctors I've ever met, he seemed willing to arrange the best available treatments within medical guidlines, we talked about which oestrogen traetments were more efficient, epidermal patches or tablets, I was on patches due to previous liver concerns, which are now allayed. So I was given the choice and I elected for tablets after he said that they were the more efficient regime (like many women I also want my boobs to be larger LoL), he also doubled up my Finasteride dosage, so that I now don't have to halve the tablets anymore. The Decapeptyl injection regime that I'm on also, has really boosted the previous half tablet regime, my hair regrowth has dramatically increased since January, so I'm really hoping that the extra Finasteride will speed the re-growth further.

I have found, contrary to some other girls and boys, that ChX GIC is a most helpful and friendly institution that really cares about it's patients (for want of a better term). I can only hope that it will always continue to exist, in a quite destructive right wing governmental environment where more and more public services are privatised.

So I came away as a very happy girl.........................




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