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Transgender Message Forum

Girl Crusoe

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Dear diary,

so I appear to have been marooned on to this island somewhere in the Southern Hemisphere. Although there are tracks from other people it appears that I am still alone here.

OK so a slightly dramatic entrance to the world of blogging, but I have been asked to try and avoid the self deprecation and trans-angst which is all too apparent in our own lives. So to help with my own therapy, and to avoid triggering depressive thoughts to others I will try and avoid getting in to myself too much. Of course there will be times when I am seriously, those times when I can't look in to the mirror and see me, or when I pass a window reflection and get confused at the 'other' person looking back, but I promise to try and keep it light and interesting when I can.

My aim is to write on a weekly basis, talking about some of the things I have seen whilst making my way through a life which won't involve full transition or GRS; a kind of half life if you wish.

Anyway, that's enough of an introduction. Read more as the week's progress and you'll probably get an idea about who I am and what my interests are.

If you've dropped by and clicked to read, then thank you. I hope I have pricked some interest and I am honoured you have taken the time to read this far.

Take care and be safe




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