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Well I don't know we're to start this is my first blog .  So I guess I will start with a little bit about myself .  Every  since I was a little  boy I had these thoughts in the back of my mind and then that led to me trying on girl  clothes at first I did not know how to take this but I felt  more  comfortable in girl clothes and know matter how much I new it was not normal I new I  could not tell anybody because I could not deal  with the disappointment that my parents and friends would have or me so I tried to suppress it in the back of my mind and do what the world thought was right and  be normal. Well as time passed I grew up into a teenager I had a lot of identity problems,  and I new who I was  on the inside  but I could not be that  person on the outside because I did not know how to deal with the humiliation from the rest of the world and from family and friends so what did I do I suppressed it some more by this time I got really good at hiding my feelings and not opening up to people like I should. And as more time passed I got married and had three kids and I know that now matter how much I wanted to tell  my wife the thoughts that was going through my mind I knew she would not now how to deal with something like that so I didn't tell her and that lead to a divorce because I did not want her to be disappointed in me for wanting to be a woman. Well hate to cut the story short but it's late and a girl's got to get her beauty sleep so goodnight and I will try to finish my story soon love to all and goodnight again. 

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Hello Samantha,

Your story sounds all to familiar, many have been down the same path as you and many will follow as this is something children will never feel comfortable talking to their parents about at various ages or if they do parents many times believe it's a 'passing thing'.

Eventually suppression, best to obtain the assistance of a therapist who knows how to deal with transgender else you may head towards a dark place in your mind.

This forum is an excellent place to learn from and share.

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