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Nice butt baby x 2

This afternoon I was talking to a female friend showing off my Miata and this guy looks out the car window and says yells to me and says "nice butt", had to be me because my friend was facing the other direction.

Then the other day my neighbor tells me her husband saw me walking down the street but did not know it was me and said she has a nice butt then she goes, that's Karen.

Funny in that I never got this before and know full well that taking hormones has zero effect on how one's butt looks so not sure why all of the sudden I am having men yell to me about my butt. What I can say even thought I am not into men that it's feels great getting these complements and is a confidence builder if nothing else. 

On a side note my friend whom I was with today purchased a new BMW sports car, seems that I was the fire to ignite her to purchase the new car. I think for the money my car was a better bang for the buck but will never tell her that as she spent $50,000 and I spent $30,000. In these matters best to simply compliment and leave it at that.


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Very nice :)

I recall tthe first time i could tell a guy was smiling at me in a flirty manner it felt really nice (I wasn't interested, but it was nice)

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It scares the hell out of me when men stare or compliment in general, unless I know them, however I must agree with you both that it does feel nice afterwards............However, I am getting remarks about my bum (Butt if you prefer!) from other women, and to think that I thought I needed to cover it up because I thought it was too narrow, not having female hips...................wtf, it's nice being complimented.

Cheers Eve

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