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Breast Pump & Feeling Fem

As I entered into my middle age a little over a year ago I noticed that I had had more breast tissue than I ever had. I did a little research and found out that a lot of men go through some of these physical changes naturally. Since I always wanted breasts I embraced the changes that were naturally occuring and discovered a way to feel more feminine than ever before. There is information online about male lactation and male breast-feeding if you look for it. I tried various techniques of nipple stimulation for long periods of time both manual and using a breast pump. After regular intervals for about a week I was absolutely amazed at the results. Even though I did not produce milk as of yet I seemed to start a process in my body that caused changes in my nipples and breast similar to a woman who is pregnant. My wife confirmed with me a few weeks later that my nipples were taking on the characteristics necessary for lactation. Using a breast pump was not pleasant at first, but getting past the unpleasant stage brought comforting feelings that one has to experience to truly understand. After some time I could express some liquid from my nipples and it is fascinating. The reason I have started this blog is not to try to guarantee results but to mention something that has brougt me closer to being feminine naturally, without having to actually take a prescription. Pumping the breast made me sleepy and relaxed. Feelings of motherly love, especially when imagining a baby actually suckling from my breast. The feeling of let down even though the breasts are not yet fully ready for this. The very gradual but noticable increase in breast size from practically nothing to at least an A cupsize. Since I used these methods I feel more like a woman than ever and have accepted these physical changes rather than worry about them. Does anyone else have an experience like this to share?

I have eaten a lot of carrots and cucumbers and chicken over the last 10 years since my wife has been more interested keeping us healthy I do not know if some of my diet has also contributed to an increase in my natural hormones or not. I have heard that some men and women can lactate from intense desire as well so I do not guarantee results this has just been my own personal observation. I am not concerned about a medical problem because the breasts are shaped uniformally and the nipples have increased in size and they have become darker pink in color.


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How do you do this? Is it just caused by a regular massaging and pinching process or is there an actual routine of some kind?unsure.gif



The act of sucking the nipples causes the body to produce its own chemicals that encourage milk production. Because of the rules of the site I did not want to give any specific prescription and I am not a doctor but after researching the topic on the internet and asking my wife who is a nurse about it she agreed that it all made sense. Breasts on a male have all the necessary components for producing milk. The act of stimulating the nipples for a prolonged time at regular intervals gives the whole process a start. Even if you don't get milk you will probobly feel the sensations as I did over time which was very interesting. I will say that for me I used a breast pump which is the only real consistent way of getting anything to happen outside of a real baby. Unless you know someone who wants to suck your nipples for that period of time. I first wanted to do this because we had a one year old who was breastfeeding and my wife got sick. Poor little girl had to be weened off cold turkey. I thought if I could have been ready if we ever have another child I wouldn't mind giving motherhood a chance and nurse the baby myself. This technique has a lot to do with attitude. If you aren't interested in this aspect of womanhood then it probobly will feel like a waste of time, but if you go in with the right attitude I hope you can experience the kind of loving tender feelings and warmth and femininity that filled my body. When I first tried it I pumped for about 20-30 minutes every 4 hours. Sometimes I fell asleep with the pump attached and it went for over an hour before I woke up. Besides those feelings the whole thing relaxed me to a point that I was able to experience a new type of orgasm with or even without ejaculation. I forced myself to be patient and allow the feelings to come gradually. I gradually became aware of new feeling in my body from the upper part of my body and deeper part of the pelvis that is often talked about with women. Maybe I have a good imagination, but I know there was something chemically going on in my head as well as the rest of my body. You have to focus on relaxing. A breastfeeding mother needs to actually focus and relax before letdown occurs. I have gained a whole new appreciation of what my wife has gone through with each of our children. Nursing Mothers should all be granted the quiet time they need to properly nurse their baby. The actual pump comes with suction cups and a power conrol that have hoses attached to provide the suction I had to come up with my own way of fastening them to keep them on at first, then my wife gave me a breastfeeding bra which helped hold the cups in place It was amazing, it hurt a little at first but the machine doesn't do any pinching, it is a gental sucking that similar to the real thing. Any book or website about breasfeeding will help you out. Breast pumps are usually available locally in baby section of store. At the risk of being considered out of my mind I learned so much I just had to share it on this site. To be safe I would definately suggest using a manufactured pump for this purpose not something homemade. Remember I am not a doctor, do this at your own risk. When used as any woman would use it, I have not heard of any real problems. What you experience will be up to you, I shared this because it really helped me understand and feel more like a woman than ever before and isn't that what this is all about. It is natural and ultimately natures way of giving a baby a second chance at survival if a woman is not around. I hope and trust that none of you will use this information inappropriately I truly hope this may help those of you so anxious to try hormones. This has given me a little breathing room and more patience to explore what I really want to do with my trans feelings.

Guest Antoinette


Dear Amie,

I use all natural products to grow my breast and it is working very good to me. The products I use are RED CLOVER, Fenugreek, Saw palmetto and Wild Yam.

I'm 51 years old and this makes it more difficult to have a rapid change, but this is working.

I have done some studies on this subject and I'm not for the normal hormones, I like it when it is natural.

If you like more information please write me.

Best regards Hanske

Guest Koreen


I read several days ago on the internet about some genetic women who use saw palmetto and fenugreek, as well as massage, among other herbal supplements, or techniques, for natural breast enhancement. Some have written they increased by a cup size or more in several months. Others appear to have little, if any enlargement.

Hard to know if this has much relevance for transgendered persons born as males.



Thank you Amie. I will definitely search for a pump in my area.

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