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Getting Rid of the Body Hair

When I first shaved my legs it was the neatest feeling in the world. I finally felt clean. I really felt special. My joy was cut short because I lived at home and would have to answer to my mother. She knew everything about me. It wasn't till 10 years later that I just told my wife I didn't want the hair and she was ok with that. The next step however was wondering what others thought of me especially at work. I used to fear being discovered, but now 20 years since the first time I shaved, I shave everything. I have killed the fear by realizing that I can do this and there is nothing wrong with it. If its ok for another human person it should be ok for me. A lot of my problems in life have come from my own lack of acceptance in this behavior in myself and others. Through this experience I have grown to accept other people who are different from me and be empathetic toward the everyday problems and struggles they have. I have now reached a point that I am performing my own electrolysis. I researched and built my own electrolysis unit at a very low cost and have completed upper lip area I chose the most difficult and most painful in order to get it out of the way. I am sure I will have some touch up now and then, but I am very excited. I am only doing galvanic electrolysis because it is the safest and yields the best permanent results. I am so excited, even though it is very painful and will seem to take forever, I will be relieved and happy to gid rid of the hair forever. I realize now that I should have done this years ago and I would be happier for it today. Having body hair or not does not mean you are a man or a woman. All of a sudden because someone chooses to remove their hair they get looked at as weird. Well I don't care if I am weird my personal sanity means more to me than what other people think.


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