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Growing the hair on my head

Permed Hair, Long Hair, Another new experience. Again, Mom always tried to limit how I presented myself. I realized as a looked around me there are men with long hair. Some men have hair down to their waste. As long as I still have hair on my head, I thought why can't I make use of my own hair and eliminate the problems with wigs. I have not cut my hair for one full year. My hair has made such progress I am literally afraid to go to the salon because I am not sure what style I want. I realized that it takes some time to grow hair. I want to appear feminine but a part of me is still concerned about other people judging me. My wife brought home a magazine of womans hair styles and I found the variety that women have very exciting. This year I discovered how much more I could do with longer hair, and I am learning to style it on my own. I have actually gone in public with a pony tail as a man and my kids haven't said anything negative about it. What I thought was going to be such a big deal is just being accepted as another one of those indepedent changes I have made in my life. I used to get my hair permed and it would always be too curly at first. I am now leaning more to a body wave and maybe even hair coloring as I get older and its fun to explore the options. I am learning ways that I can look more masculine if needed but still present feminine when desired. I have gone to a salon for my hair since I was 14 years old. I love being around all the woman and I feel comfortable there. However I have never talked about my true feelings with any of them. This next time I go in I wonder if I shouldn't let the stylist know that I really want that feminine look. Do you know if salons are typically accepting of transgender or could it cause me problems. Is there an easy way to communicate ones transgenderedness to the salon professional? Anyway I have thoroughly enjoyed playing with different hair styles at home and I recommend that anyone at least give it a try before shaving their heads.

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Guest BobbieJo


depends on the salon of course, but I have found a couple that are very accepting of transgendered people. Here's 2 pics of what happened when my hairdresser asked me how I wanted my hair and I told her to "have fun and indulge herself". She had a great time doing my hair and her and I are now the best of friends.

Bobbie Jo



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