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It's worthwhile complaining!

I received a letter from my Mortgage company that happens to be one of the UK high street banks, I was particularly annoyed to find that it was addressed to my old male identity, I thought that I had put all that behind me a year ago, when I took my Deed Poll cerificate into a local branch where they photocopied it. So I complained via telephone and couldn't get past someone reading from a flowchart, whilst they were sorry about what happened, they said that they hadn't received the copy of the Deed Poll, could I go back again to the branch and go through the same again. I was angry about this, because they had the clear expectation that I'd correct their mistake, so I offered to send scanned copy via e-mail to them, they refused and said that they could only accept a fax other than going to the branch again. I seemed to be entering the name change merry go round all over again......................what a DRAG!

So i visited their web-site and looked at how to contact their customer services, and found a "make a complaint" page, so I did giving full details of what had happened chronologically. Earlier today they phoned me and apologised asked me to e-mail the copy to them directly, they have amended the errant name details, and offered me £200 compensation and £5 for the time wasted phoning the flowchart people. Well I thought, it'd be rude of me to not graciously accept the offer, after all that they had done, but honestly all I wanted was the name on my account to reflect who I now am.

So it shows that it's worthwhile escalating a complaint if at first you don't succeed...................I've spent the money already on a new longline jacket for work, brown leather knee boots, and purple heeled sandals.........I'd been hankering after these for a month or so, but was being careful moneywise, and I've learned that if you don't buy when you can, it soon goes out of stock and rarely if ever is available again..........




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Yay!  It is quite a pain when you suddenly have to do more to get a name change through, especially considering how many places you have to do it in the first place!

I had a similar incidence with the Social Security office with my gender - the person in the office misstated the rules and refused to do the correction, I wrote to the SSA office in Washington and then got an apologetic call from the local office, then they fixed it - they didn't offer me any money though :(

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I received a letter from Barclaycard addressed to the dead name last week, despite me telling them in December of the new name and receiving all the confirmation from them that they'd changed their records within a week, so I know what that feels like :(  

The one good thing that came out of the name change for me (so far) is that the tax office got in touch, having gone through all my records back to 2006, it seems, and they told me I overpaid in 2006-7 and 2014-15 and they enclosed a cheque for the several hundred £s that I hadn't known was owed to me :)

So that was sitting in the bank, burning a hole in my virtual pocket, until I spotted something yesterday that I'm going to treat myself to :D 

And your post has basically made my week finish with a smile. Good on you for complaining like that - we shouldn't have to put up with this stuff!

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