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So this weekend I had to deal with some not so nice situations and I figured Id blog about them and see what everyone else thought about it and I would love to hear responses from this entry.

Anyways, during the 4th of july weekend earlier this year, my friends invited me out (tiffany actually) to enjoy the fireworks and hang out with them. Little did I know they had a blind date set up for me. I was super nervous but he was super nice and really treated me like a lady. I had seen him a few other times after that but we had never "done anything" if you know what I mean (for those who don't understand I meant like kissing or anything physical beyond holding hands). Well anyways this past sunday he called me and invited me out for a little date and I was really excited. So I got all ready and met him out. We first went to dinner and then were going to see a movie and while we were driving, he keep putting his hand on my leg and working his way up. At first I didn't realize what he was doing, but right about when his fingers were inches from my undies, i had to stop him and push his hand away. He didn't object but not 20 mins later he was doing it again. I was not looking for any kind of sexual encounter at all and I made it perfectly honest. Later after the movie (in which he tried it a couple more times) I confronted him about it asking why he wouldn't respect the fact I didn't want to fool around. He then told me how he thought all trans girls all wanted a sexual fling and not care about a relationship. He said stuff like because I was still partially male that I should have a male pattern of thinking and want sex just like a regular guy. This upset me really deeply and i started to cry thinking that people who know me just see me as a walking sex toy. He took me back to my car and I left right away without saying a word. Story note I was not dressed provocitavely. I was wearing a knee length jean skirt and a 3/4 sleeved top that didn't show clevage or that much. The outfit was a little form fitting but most women's clothing is.

Later I called my friends who set me up with him originally and they were very supportive and said that they were sorry for setting me up with him in the first place. I talked to them for over an hour and then finally calmed down about the whole situation. I think I may have over reacted a little because it was the first time that anyone said anything to my face like that and also said im still partially male.

My therapist told me a while ago how, when Im out on a date or at a club, I need to change my train of thinking. She said that women (ts or gg) are more like prey animals and we always need to be aware of this and be safe or else we can get ourselves in a bad situations. Sometimes Im just ni'eve and too trusting, but at the same time i don't want to be someone whos skeptical right away before anyone even has a chance to give me a first impression.

Has anyone else ever had a situation like the one I went through or had heard something like my therapist said? How did you deal with it? What do you do to keep yourself safe? and most importantly How do you deal with jerks who think we are just exotic sex toys?

Thanks for reading


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Guest BobbieJo


sh** happens, just make sure to not put yourself in compromising situations. I always leave myself an out.

Remember, some men are pigs (sorry guys).

Men have one thing on their mind and one thing only. As the saying goes, god gave man a brain and a penis, but enough blood to only operate one at a time.

A lot of guys have a way of thinking, that all tgirls are sex objects. They need to remember that we expect to be treated like a lady first and foremost, then maybe the fun in the bedroom might take off after that.

Bobbie Jo

Guest jennag



Thisis a big reason I warn girls that dating, if they are old fashioned or want a traditional relationship like I do, that they should be aware that may NEVER happen.

For example, I have gone on plenty of dates where the guys had not a clue to my past. As an honest person, I tell them before it goes beyond friendship. Almost *every time,* the men are initially creeped and run, or they stay, but begin to think of me as a sex toy. Trust me, its not because you still have a penis or are not 'fully a woman' in his eyes, as much as it is that regardless how we look, or even if we've had the surgery, most of male society thinks us as a fetish object, something to do for the experience and to get it out of their system.

To be quite honest, if I were you, I'd avoid dating until I had myself a little more established in my own goals (hormones, real life experience, etc.) Even still, that doesn't guarentee anything. I pass enough that all of my old HS classmates have asked me out countless times, totally unaware of who I am, yet men who find out still change their tune from treating me like a potential wife, to a whore.

Point is, most men cant handle the fact of our past, sad to say, this will probably be the case 9 out of 10 times, at least for right now. Hence why I say forget the guys and just focus all your energies into yourself and your own goals. When you've transitioned, hell, youdont even need to tell them if you don't want to, its all your perogative.

As for that, yes, men DO act like sexual hunters, but before the man Im dating knows, despite wanting sex, he's bought me flowers, gifts, taken me to dinner, etc. Sure, they want sex, but they stillrespect 'the game.' When they find out Im not a born female physically at least, at first they usually think Im joking or lying to scare them off, but then, when they finally believe me, they TOTALLY change their tune.

So yes, men ARE sexual beings, but that is NOT why they treat us as they do. The fact is, to most men, no matter how well we pass, or how great and compatible we are, they still view us as half of a woman, and therefore, undeservinbgf of treatment a 'real' woman gets. Trust me, its not to be blamed on their libidos, but rather their inability to remove the undue stigma of homosexuality placed on the situation.

I know of too many good guys to say its ONLY cause ALL men think the same; they dont.

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