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Reviewing my transition

I know I haven't been transitioning as long as some other girls on here have been and I am still a long ways away from completing my transition but I was just going through my schedule and reading it and thought to myself, I've come a long way since I offically decided to start transitioning.

Back in January of this year I finally decided to see a therapist about my gender struggles and my depression because I couldn't understand why I just didn't feel right about myself and have thought about becoming a woman a lot over my lifetime. I would always pass it off like it was a passing phase but soon realized that it was not. Then I began looking up information on how to transition, where to go, what to do, what do you need, so on and so forth.

In March of this year, I finally got in and saw a therapist which was easily the BEST thing I had ever done in my life. She has been so amazing and helping me realize the person that I am and the person I want to become (even if others around me thought that it was wrong or she was trying to change me for her own purposes). It has been amazing discovering myself and feeling truely happy for a change.

In june of this year, I started electrolysis and really have enjoyed seeing the results (not the sessions cuz they are a little uncomfortable lol). I couldn't believe after today what an impact it really has on my face and how quickly after only a few sessions you can see some major results. I am still a little bit away from only going once every two weeks but that time is rapidly approaching.

When I first thought about transitioning, I thought it would take me over a year to finally get hormones but I was COMPLETELY off on that one. After only two months of seeing my therapist, she said that she would reccommend me for hormones in a heartbeat because I had thought everything out in my transition and was very stable for them. I wasn't ready that quick for them because it felt like a whirlwind but now I am ready and in a month I will start my hormone regimn.

The next major step I am gonna be taking starting to look for a job as tiffany and go full time. My parents are supportive (well most, i haven't told my brother yet) and have said if it makes me happy they support me and my transition. The hormones and full time seem like the biggest step before the legally changing my name, and then getting ready for surguries, but I am ready to take that on and eager to see the changes.

I thank everyone here for your love and support and everyone reading this as well. Transitioning takes its toll on us all. Some of us don't start because its too expensive or decide that they would lose to much. others start and decide that it isn't for them and live their lives the best way that they can. The last (like me and many of you on here) are bound and determined to transition no matter what the cost. I respect and love you all :)




Recommended Comments

Guest Rob


Wow Tiffany...your blog is inspiring...I am gaining courage from your words.

Guest BobbieJo


Congrats, that is great.

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