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make up tips



Beem having a hard time hiding the 5 o clock shadow need some make-up tips my make-up only lasts a few hours can't stand all the hair what are the costs for perm removel

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There are different options for hair removal and ill discuss two and the pros and cons of each. Then Ill tell you how to get rid of the shadow in the meantime.

1. Electrolysis.

What is is: Electrolysis is a method in which a needle is inserted into each pore to attach the hair at the root. Doing this will cause the hair to dye and fall out. There are three forms of electrolysis. Galvenic, Thermo, Blend.

Most girls do the blend method. Galvenic is really dead on but can take forever as the needle has to sit longer in the pore. Thermo is fast but the kill rate isnt as effective. Blend is the mixture of the two.

You also have three dormant stages of hair growth so youll need a full clearing of a face three times.

Pros: FDA has stated this is the only permanent method of hair removal. Once it is done, it is done. you wont need to worry about it again.

Cons: Electrolysis can cost anywhere from 60-120 dollars an hour. A typical face when fully completed can take anywhere from 300-500 hours to fully clear all three times. A permanent clearing can EASILY cost 36,000 dollars.

There is also the risk of pitting. If the electrolyst pulls the hair out too fast, it can leave a small crater in the pore. Ive seen girls end up looking like the lead singer from SEAL because of bad electrolyst technicians. Make sure you do your research when choosing the right one.

Then you have laser.

Laser has come a long way in the last 20 years. Or even 10 years. Laser is the method in which direct beams of light and energy is focused onto the root of the hair follicle killing it. There are many different types of lasers. My favorite is SheerLight.

Pros: Laser is much cheaper. Much cheaper. I paid 990 dollars for 9 sessions. That is 9 sessions for 99 dollars a piece. Each session, my face was fully cleared. A full session of electrolysis clears maybe 3 inches be 2 inches of one given spot on the face. It isn't as painful as electrolysis and the session usually goes smoothly.

Cons: FDA has not stated this is a permanent method of hair removal. It is possible for the hair to grow back. With that said, I had laser. My hair has never grown back Its been months. Some girls can go 4 years with a smooth face. If hairs start to comeback, one only needs to go in for just one clearing and you are good to go.

Laser does not work on dark skinned people or people with light or white hair. Laser only targets dark hair. If the skin is dark to, the chances for burn is very high. Laser is very ineffective with blond or white hairs.

You need to be very careful with skin care. Exposure to the sun for long periods of time after a laser session is a bad idea. You're face is already been put through the ringer with rays. No need to have more.

An experienced laser technician can mess up your face bigtime. Do research and call around for recommendations before doing it.

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