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Making my way back, new and improved

Sorry I was gone so long. I decided that I needed to get away for a little bit and get all my ducks in a row. It was really nice to really focus and get a plan together and start to work on that plan. Finances will always be a mess but I'm working on straightening that out. My family (those that know I will be transitioning) have been really supportive and have been looking out for my best interest.

BIG NEWS: I finally got my prescription for hormones last friday. I was a little hesitant going in (it was just nerves I'm sure of it). The doctors were really nice and they explained everything to me. She set my up on a mixture of spironolact (testosterone blocker), estrodil (estrogen), and medroxypr (progestrone). After I got them all filled, which was an adventure in itself, I started taking them monday. All in all, I haven't really seen or felt any changes. Its nice to have the calming feeling and the testosterone blocker feels great. Im hoping in the next few months I will start seeing more and more results.

Because of my lack of money, my electrolysis progress has kinda slowed. I used to go once a week for an hour at a time, but now I can only go every 2 or 3 weeks. Its not that expensive but the amount is still hard to deal with. The doctor bill came the other day too, which was a shock to find out how much that was. Almost $600 for blood testing and two doctors visits, seems a little outragous to me but I don't have much of a choice, I have to pay for it right. I have to go back in 3 months to make sure my body isn't reacting badly to the meds so hopefully I can handle those additional bills.

On the bright side, I managed to get a second job. I still work as male (which is a bummer) but its pretty easy work. Its just a retail job where I get to work part time (about 20 hours per week). It doesn't pay the best but any additional money coming in will help. As the holiday season gets closer, I figure Ill get even more hours since christmas time is quickly approaching (which is something I really don't even want to start thinking about).

Well thats all I really have right now. Not much has really been going on other than working a lot and trying to pay off debts and stuff. Thanks for thinking of me and thanks for reading like always



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Glad to hear things are going well for you. Nice to have you back :)

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