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So Much-So Little time!

As fall and October get ready to make their appearance (already has where I live) there are so many things to consider!

I already bought a pair of new fall boots that I managed to fall in last night in front of a bunch of people. I know what your thinking! The boots were not the four inch stiletto style. Still had a heel of course but not enough to go down!!!! Just a little sore in the body and very sore in the ego department!

But girl friends it's almost the magical time of the year called Halloween!

If you've got that fun Halloween story, feel free to share it here!

I have mixed emotions about the day now. Since I'm out so much, I can't attend a party with friends. There is too much of a chance that they have seen me!

But some of the bigger parties at venue's in the area are too much fun to pass up. I went to a big outdoor event last year and just kind of hung out and watched the crowd.

I pretty much just went as female. No real costume.

This year it might be fun to head out to one of the big straight clubs..haven't decided yet!

Halloween was my first high heeled step out of the closet. It very much has a near and dear place in my heart! I dressed as a hooker years ago and went to a party with friends and ended up telling them it was more than a costume to me!

Two rules, however-don't expect to win a contest unless you are dressed as a female

character. (not just as a girl) Sarah Palen comes to mind. Rule two is don't expect to present easily as female! People are really looking at each other!

Then again you may not want to on Halloween! Don't know what delicious trouble you could get into!

Trick or Treat!


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