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Are you NOT Talking to Me?

Just Say Something?

In all my years hanging out in bars with the guys or alone as a guy-there were several times when I felt I wanted to approach a girl that was sitting close to me.

I have always been a reasonably shy person,plus my transgender background usually played a role. Would the woman even want me to approach? I really don't like pushy guys and I expect most women don't either.

Usually, I took the easy way out. I kept ordering drinks to build my confidence to talk to her...and she left.

I'm fairly certain the same thing happened to me tonite.

I was finishing up my evening at a favorite pub watching the baseball playoffs About halfway through the game, a guy grabbed the stool next to me and ordered the nightly beer special.

As the innings progressed, I noticed he switched to mixed drinks and was ordering when I was. Then-I left.

I will never know if he was "tracking" a transgendered "Cougar" or if the whole situation was a just part of my imagination.

Maybe that's the best part!

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That has happened to me too in both situations. Even when I was much younger and in male appearance hitchhiking. Men would pick me up and within a short time I could tell that they wanted to have sex with me. They of course didn't know my sexuality and would be hesitant about asking. Most finally did but I didn't help them get there. And those who were afraid to just dropped me off and left never knowing. When I got much older and I could tell a guy was having trouble approaching and saying anything I would help out and make eye contact and smile and eventually say hi if he got close enough. It also depends on what you would want to do if he did say something. If the answer is nothing, then no point in helping him out. If the answer is to go further then you say something if he is too shy to.


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