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A small intro.



Ok, this is probably not the normal way to use a blog, but I figured putting my thoughts and feelings somewhere could help me sort out where I am.  Most of the posts by me in here will likely be rather short.  If there is anyone out there that wants to read and it helps them, all the better.

Ok, to get started, I am Tilly.  I am new to all of this and aml struggling with a lot of things.  My wife reacted somewhat poorly when she caught me 'under dressing,' but womans' undergarments have been a comfort of mine fo some time.  I'm thrilled to have found this forum of wonderful and supportive people, you have already helped me start dealing with my emotional train wreck, (and I am not even on HRT).  

I also have a group of friends that are very laid back that I shared my vulnerability with, and they are absolutely wonderful.  I was able to dress away from privacy for the first time and it was absolutely wonderful.  They even started being chivalrous right off the bat, when I mentioned that I was chilly, one of them wrapped me in his jacket.  I was surprised by the gesture at the time being my first time out as my feminine self.


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