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Being Jewish & Israeli isn't easy.

Shalom l'chaim laila tov, Hi freinds, I want to begin by writing a blog about a certain subject pertaining to being an israeli jew and trans. I am born to 613 laws that I am born to adhere not by choice but by birth. I mean come on I am of the chosen people to serve god but here I am serving a man (Boyfreind) and in more ways than one and calling myself a jew. well to clear things up I am a jew by beleif and not by choice, yes I had my bris and i'm bar mitvah, but c'mon I love my boyfreind, what should i do as a jew. I tell you. I live and i am happy. I dont do harm to others and I love everyone. I help aids victims , elderly and i donate $$$ whenever i should. I still celebrate channukka and rosh hashana and I fast on yom kippur, I just try to be the best individual i could be, I was just born that way.


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Shalom, chavera yehuda! ;)

My Hebrew’s rather weak (and I even have problems to transcribe alephbet to Latin letters in English pronunciation), so I switch to English.

I’ll send you a private message as soon as I have enough time to compose a longer text.

Until then,

Later ot!




Shalom! It's a pleasure to have you here. Do you know of the web site www.glbtjews.org -- a listing of glbt resources for the Jewish community, including a listing of glbt friendly synagogues.





Dont worry :)

I dont think God has a religion.

I know what u feel. It is also hard to be a muslim and love TG girls :)

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