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Once we believe we are Beautiful.

I am blogging about one of the most important subjects we share as individuals, beauty and being accepted. Once we believe that we are the best that we could be at the moment and that we are beautiful,then others will see that radiant energy of beauty in us and our souls will be satisfied from the pleasure of it all. we will be smiled at, loved, lusted, talked to, given opprotunity, given trust and an abundance of other great things in life that we all want to enjoy in life being just who we want to be, ourselves. I wake up each and everyday beleiving I am beautiful not so I could gain the approval of others but so that I could go through life being happy who I am. This in return brings happiness to others. This way I fullfill the joy of loving all the positive people around me that see life and all the individuals in it as a beautiful experience. :)


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A very positive way to look at life, Sweet. And you are correct, how you see yourself does project to those around you.


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