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How hard it is to have understanding people in your life.

When things are good they are good and when things go wrong it is so hard for anyone to help you. As I have said in the past I have had many friends and a few enemies that wonder what is going on in my life with me. I have done my best to help them understand the nature of transgendered people like me. They only have the missconseption that we are gay or queer. After they are educated on what is the difference they always say they understand now, But they still continue to look at us as gay. It is so hard to have these understanding people in my life.

I can only hope that the people in my life try not to understand why so much but who. Being female is good but being confused is hard. Life goes on and I am doing well, 4 months on HRT now and my body is responding well. My loks are getting more feminine and my shape is getting nice, dresses and jeans are fitting like they should. Ive lost 40 pounds and have gone from a size 14 to a size 10 and most of the clothes that fit on the top no longer fit now. A size xl was needed befor now a size Lg. or even a med. is fitting fine now. A 38 b or c depending on th bra is fitting perfect now. I think I like the changes coming on.

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Hello dear,

Unfortunately you are right. Because society, people always tries to blame, humuliate the others who are not like them.

As a term "Gay" means insult, indignity for them and they choose the easy way to respond transgendered people.

However, they would behave in such arrogance and outrageous manner eventhough they have known the difference between terms.

In fact, it doesn matter a person is gay or transgendered, a mature, decent person musnt judge the others because of their preferences.

Making true friends is the most difficult thing of the life I think. People always try to abuse eachother. I am not sure about whether I will find true ones in my life :)

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