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The end to a very interesting year

When I think back about the last year, I really can't believe how far I've really come since this time last year. Last year around this time, I was in a committed relationship with a person who I thought loved me for me and accepted all my faults (wasn't the case), I was dealing (not very sucessfully) with my gender identity issue on my own and in my own way, my family life was very stable, and I was working a job that I thought was pretty good and treated me fairly.

Fast forward a year and things are much much different. I started going to therapy for my gender idently, my therapist recommended me for hrt and I started taking hormones, I started doing electrolysis (hoping to continue in feburary after two months off), my relationship ended, my family is kind of a mess, I lost my place to live, I changed jobs and am working two jobs now, and I've made many friends online and in real life that accept and understand my gender identity issues.

Even though there were some pretty big downs, Im really happy with my life. Im happy that Im transitioning and am excited to see what the results for me will be in three, six, and twelve months. Im much more comfortable with myself and carrying myself in everyday life when I'm out as tiffany and have learned soo soo much about being a girl in everyday life.

So thats all for 2010, and now time to look forward to 2011. There are a few things that Im really hoping to accomplish. First Im hoping to have my real hair grown to the length im comfortable with so I don't have to rely on a wig. Second Im hoping to have a job or two as tiffany. Whether its where I currently work or someplace new, I just want to be able to work as the girl that I know I really am. Third, Im hoping to have my own place. This should be the easiest one to achieve cuz to be honest im sick of sleeping on friend's couches for a few nights. Lastly I want to be living full time by the end of the year or very close to it. This one will probably be the hardest to accomplish but I know since its something I really want, I'll find a way to accomplish this.

Last but not least, I just wanted to say thank you everyone on here for reading my blog and commenting when you thought you would give me some advise on what to do or share stories about things you've gone through which makes me feel better that Im not the only one going through this. Special thank you's to JenniferNicole, Stephani, Serenity, Bonnie, Amie, BobbieJo, Rob, jennag, LisaNB, CarolineTyler, ValerieMae, Jesslyn, AshleySummers, and all the rest who i've talked to and replied to messages and who've responded to mine. You all mean the world to me and I love you all.

Anyways, before I start getting all emotional I'll wrap this up, anyways I hope everyone had a great 2010 and hope everyone has a safe new years and I will talk to you all in 2011. :)




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