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Emma's Blog

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My first blog




After many years of using the Internet I have decided to start bloging for the first time.

A bit about me to start off this is the bit that should be on my profile, at the moment I am using the name Emma hopefully one day I will be able to use the name all the time every where, I'm 33 and am currently working as an administration clark I have been doing this for a little over 3 years before that I was a soldier in the British army for 13 years, but it was time to move on.

Some of my earliest memories are of me borrowing my sisters clothes, this continued until I joined the army at which point it stopped of about 2 years then hasn't stopped since.

On top of that there has always been a feeling that I should be a girl, this feeling has come in waves over the years but has never gone completely and about 6 years ago it came strong and has stayed since then.

I think this is a good start for me.

If any one actual reads this and would like to ask any questions feel free to email me address is emma1bunny@aol.com or leave a message on my profile.

I am going to try and blog every week for the next year just to see if I can do it :)



1 Comment

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Hi Emma,

Yes - people DO read the blogs! lol

Looking forward to reading it regularly

hugs, Caroline

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