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I Shaved My Legs For The 1st Time

Last night I shaved my legs for the first time...it was actually my gender psychologists's suggestion as a way for me to begin relating to Karen more and spending quality time with "her/me." I loved the experience and wish it was something I've been doing for a lot longer. I tried to do a good job of it and I hope to get better. I also shaved my toes, butt and genital area...felt like I should have gone all the way but it was enough to start. I am really glad I did this. It may seem like small beans to more seasoned trans women but it was a great experience for me.


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That first time you experience your own legs feeling that smooth is just wonderful. :)

These day I wax or eppilate as it lasts so much longer.


Caroline x



thanks so much for your continued support sweetheart...love karen

That first time you experience your own legs feeling that smooth is just wonderful. smile.gif

These day I wax or eppilate as it lasts so much longer.


Caroline x



I remember my first time shaving, thought I would lose it from the sensory overload. Then putting nylons on those legs, then feeling the wind on them. Then the LACK of sensation from the water on the legs on my next shower, and from air blowing....

Ah, good times.



Hi maid joy...my leg hair hasnt really grown back yet but I am looking forward to doing it again soon...hope all is well.

I remember my first time shaving, thought I would lose it from the sensory overload. Then putting nylons on those legs, then feeling the wind on them. Then the LACK of sensation from the water on the legs on my next shower, and from air blowing....

Ah, good times.

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